
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Use -Reuse-Recycle..Old is new again.

I like to buy some Autumn Tablecloths at the local Goodwill for $1 to $3 each and use them to dress your tables for Thanksgiving or if there is a small flaw or stain, you can cut them into 14"x14" peices to zigzag and hem for Dinner Napkins . Now is a gooe time to be shopping for those tablecloths at Big Lots also.
If you'd prefer, you can use the napkins as dish cloths or cut some 14"x21", zigzag
and hem them and use them as dish towels .

If I use a printed Tablecloth, I like to use solid colored napkins and the reverse is true, too.

I buy the largest tablecloth if I am buying it at Big Lots,making more napkins and towels .

I bought a gorgeous wall painting at Goodwill last month, for only $10.

I have always wanted a picture like this one and it was exactly the colors that I love. It doesn't look like it but, my walls are painted a gorgeous muted gold color.
It is very warm and welcoming and soothing.
I bought the paint for $5 for a gallon of ooops! paint at Lowe's . Somebody had them mix it up and then didn't want it after all; and it was a $30 gallon paint . The color, as best as I can describe it is like peanut butter mixed with a little bit of cream. I love it.

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