I attended a church function where this
delicious desser was served and it was
the Bomb!
Easy Cheesies
2 - Pilsbury Crescent Rolls (the one that is
not perforated)
2 - 8 oz. Cream Cheese (softened in the microwave
for a few seconds only)
1 tsp. pure Vanilla
3/4 c. white sugar
1 can of your favorite pie filling (Cherry, Blueberry,
Apple, Lemon, etc.)
Spray a 13x9 baking pan with Pam, then, roll out one
pkg. of dough into a 13x9 pan.
Mix next 3 ingredients until creamy. Spread the cream
cheese on top of the dough.
Spread the Pie filling on top of the cream cheese mixture.
Place the 2nd (can) Crescent dough on top of the Pie
1 stick of butter
Brown Sugar
Melt the butter and pour on top of the dough and then
sprinkle the brown sugar on top. The original recipe
has a note stating that if you sprinkle quite a bit of
brown sugar, it will make the top crunchy.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
You will love this recipe! I promise you will.
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