
Friday, May 14, 2010


Life seems to be getting busier and busier as time goes on. So much to take care of, to do, so much to remember, not to mention trying to keep up with appointments and meetings and grocery shopping, and cleaning and cooking and, well, that's more than enough.

I started writing myself notes a long time ago, to help me kind of keep it all straight. I purchased a hard cover notebook with an elastic strap attached, at the Dollar Tree. I just love the Dollar Tree. I write grocery lists in my note pad that I take with me everywhere,I even categorize my lists according Which store has what I need on sale and the sale price;
I.E. : Food City, IGA, Ingles, Dollar General,Walmart

I also list any appointments coming up, such as Doctors appointments., dental appointments and any meetings I have to remember.

Another way that I keep up with things is that I keep a "stash" of items we use regularly, that you can't afford to run out of such as :
toilet paper,toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo,feminine products and soap, etc.

I put away 1 roll of toilet paper so that when we get to what we think is the last roll, that is my cue to go to the store,but, I have one roll hidden in the cabinet.
When the toothpaste tube is about 3/4 of the way gone, I put it in the cabinet and take out a new one. I do the same with feminine products, shampoo and conditioner and deodorant and soap. When possible, I buy in bulk when the items are on sale.

It may sound strange, but then, I have always been a strange kind of person and this works great for me. Try it.

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