corn that she and Daddy and I had shucked, cleaned and cut off of the cob
during the Summer.
Mom always make 2 cuts(or passes)on the cob;kinda like you would for
creamed corn. It wasn't whole corn kernels.
Canned, store-bought corn would never do. This soup has a distinct flavor
from the fresh corn. I love this soup and I crave it. I like to douse my
bowl of soup with about 10-12 hard shakes of Louisiana Red Hot Sauce to
kick-it-up a few notches. I like to drink ice cold milk when I eat this
soup; it relieves my mouth from the burn of hot sauce.
No kidding. I am so looking forward to Autumn.
Mom's Cajun Corn and Beef Soup
Look for meaty soup bones in the meat market. The are also referred to
as marrow bones. Also purchase a small beef roast or stew meat already
cut up.
Season well with Tony Chacherie's Creole Seasoning and garlic powder.
Boil in a large pot of water, about 1-1 1/2 gallons.
Dice 2 large onion and 1 large bellpepper and add to the pot.
Add salt,pepper and my favorite, Tony Chacherie's Creole Seasoning to
the water.
Turn the temp. down to about med.-low and let cook for about 30 minutes.
Peel and cut potatoes into 1" cubes and add to the pot along with peeled
and cut carrots into 1" pieces. I use about 6 or more large potatoes and
about 6-8 large carrots.
MY can use small new-potatoes and just cut the
peelings off around the middle, leaving the peelings on at both ends.
Add 1 small can of tomato paste.
Stir well.
Let cook for about 20 minutes on Medium High.
Add the equivalent of about 1 regular ziploc bag of fresh cut corn;maybe
about 6 or more large ears of corn. The amount of corn you add is up to
you. It adds to the flavor of the soup.
When potatoes are tender,taste the soup and add more seasoning if needed.
I like to cut the meat into smaller pieces at this point.
MY TIP...this soup gets better after it sits in the frige
overnight or in the freezer. I remove potatoes before freezing;they don't
freeze too well.

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