The Bible tells us not to lay up treasures here on earth where moth and rust destroy , and where thieves break-in and steal . Our Treasures are to be stored in Heaven.
However, we can and should enjoy making our homes a cozy , comfy place for our family to dwell.
It is not that we cannot or should not desire to have things that are nice and pretty, but, rather that we should not use those things to make us Feel like we are above others or to show that we have arrived at a status of "keeping up with the Jones' " as the old cliche' goes.
The Bible says that God will give us the desires of our heart, if we serve Him and live for Him.
The desires of our heart should always be for our family, friends and church family to be Saved and to be blessed and have all that they need and be healthy and prosper, even as their Soul prospers. We also have desires and tastes and preferrences in all walks of our life. Some prefer certain color-families that others have never even considered, some like overstuffed comfy furniture , whereas others like straight , square, hard furniture and black-and-white decor.
I have always desired to have an "Old Trunk" . One like the Treasure Trunks you see in one of my All- Time-Favorite movies , "The Count of Monte' Cristo", or the pirates movies .
Well, let me start by saying that the ones I've seen were over $300 . Ouch! Too expensive for my frugal spending.
But, when I least expected it, I found one on the side of the road by the garbage cans , in a very wealthy neighborhood. I put it in the car and was so very happy to take this Treasure Chest home with me. I t is a standard size of about 3' across and 2' tall by about 1 1/2' wide .
God promises to give you the desires of your heart too. It's ok to ask Him for something you really really want . Ask believing, ask according to his will for you , and Ask In His Name; then, start thanking Him for it ahead of time.
Who'd have thought that I would find a Treasure Chest on the side of the road , for free. God did.
Jesus is my real Treasure and my most important Treasure Chest.

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