I purchased an old trunk for $5.
We use it as a coffee table. The cats love to lay down on it.

Baby clothes was $.59 per outfit. I bought some "S'mores Mugs"(which I collect)for
$.99 each, and a cute tin snowman for $.99.
At the store,"Vintage Values", I bought a "Baby George Foreman Rotisserie" for only $7.00. (It works well.) Totally amazing!
I also bought several spoons and forks that are very similar to my set and each piece only cost $.10. It helps to have extras.
I purchased a beautiful green and white plate for $.99 to hang on my plate rack.
The picture on the plate is a scene in England, with 2 ol' gent's walking thru town together.
I bought a "sea Turtle mood ring" for $3.00 and a very pretty necklace for Ashley for only $5.00, and two pairs of really nice flip flops for only $1.00 per pair. I also got Ashley a really cute beach cover-up for $7.00.
I brought ribeyes to marinate and grill on our vacation,so,one week before leaving for Vacation, I went to the 2nd hand store and purchased 12 nice steak knives for $.25 each and was well pleased because they didn't have any good steak knives in the condo. I gave all the steak knives to my friend because we grill steaks at their home and they don't have enough for all of us(anywhere from 12-16 in all).
ps I brought my homemade dinner napkins and it was a big hit....we saved a good bit on paper towels .